I did it.
I wrote.
June 22: 20 minutes
June 28: 25 minutes
I'm really loving it. I bought a large sketch book for a different project, but have designated it my writing book from now on. I adore writing on a big blank sheet of white paper. I even wrote a haiku about it.
My Bic Roundstick Pen
On this big, white sketch paper--
Inner child glee.
Thanks for the support. I plan to write more this week. I just have to get past the board meeting tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. That means wake up time is 4:00 p.m. Why am I still awake? ... good question.
Speaking of board meeting, I always make breakfast for the board. I tried these Blackberry Crumb Bars.
It is incredible. Even better than you think it will be! Yum. I am definitely making it again soon.
Try it, you'll be pleasantly surprised too.
I took a picture of my blackberry crumb bars, but am having trouble downloading it. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some random snapshots of my life recently.